Darkness vs Light

When you create a world where there is much confusion, unrest and the breaking down of long standing norms, who benefits? When people can no longer pay their bills, feed their babies and family, are beset by mysterious illness, and fight extreme weather conditions who gains? When there are wars, deadly prescriptive drugs, food and […]

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World Migratory Bird Day

Earlier this week I was informed that May is Lupus Awareness Month. Today, I glanced at our refrigerator calendar and read that May 14th is World Migratory Bird Day. I bet you didn’t know that? Personally, I had no clue. I have often wondered who decides this kind of thing? Is there an empowered Committee […]

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Amazon Book Review: “Songs Against The Darkness,” By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Virag, Reviewer 5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating and suggestive book Reviewed in Canada on March 15, 2022 Verified Purchase Dr. Stewart Bitkoff is a self-described spiritual traveler and in his many books, articles and poetry brings back reports of his journeys. His works appear in many formats. Some are fictional narratives, others detailed essays, […]

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Hide & Seek

Try as we may, we cannot hide from misfortune. Many times, I did my best but fate always found me.   In a Game of Hide and Seek, Life invariably wins. -SB

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Memories Once Lived

Where are all those people and places, now, That only live in people’s memories; Where have they all gone? Do they no longer exist Or are they like dandelion petals blown about in the wind? Only a faint fragrance remains of their passing.   Perhaps, there is someplace in this vast universe Where we can […]

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On Following ‘The Sufi Way’

This is in response to a question that was indirectly posed again today and offers some clarity about the ‘Sufi Way.’ Early on we were taught, this is the Way before there were religions. It is the ancient Path of Knowing and Experiencing the Light. It is the Super Highway to God/Light and, through the […]

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Soul’s Journey

Introduction The soul is on a long journey back to the Source. Sent out into the Universe to experience and create; one day to return. The soul is comprised of a spiritual fabric and on an inner level, at its heart, maintains contact with Source and knows the reason for its journey. The task of […]

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Going Inward

“Be still, and know that I am God. . .” Psalm 46:10 Introduction Meditation is an exercise that is considered by many as essential to the spiritual journey. Similarly ‘being still and going inward’ is also central to spiritual development. Both skills are natural, develop over time, and are important to help identify the different […]

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Spiritual Traveler

Introduction For the longest time, I struggled with what to call myself. There were many reasons for this; one of which was that followers of the Sufi Path traditionally do not designate themselves as a “Sufi.” It is considered improper. Typically this is a label given by others, tends toward stereotyping and calling one self […]

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What Is Permanent?

A common mistake that most of us make is that we think this was all meant to be permanent. It was never meant to be that way. We go through each day mostly blind to the fact that everything we see about us, including ourselves is transitory. We are here for a time and journey […]

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Where Dreams Go

Perhaps one day all of this will make sense to me again. What used to be no longer is and cannot be again. As I experience much of what I thought important fade, I wonder what remains? In my memories, I keep going back to a time when everything was new. I was just starting […]

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