Paying The Price

Spiritual capacity and psychic ability have to be earned. For most, the Cost is higher than they can imagine. Paying this price, is not a matter of dollars; it is a matter of Sincerity and Purity of Heart. Sincerity and Purity of Heart are acquired through struggle, Burning and Love . . . across many […]

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Out at the Boundary

Out at the boundary of ordinary experience there is a place of deep stillness and peace. Nightly, it is here that I am content and find myself listening to the Eternal.   The Eternal has a Voice that rarely speaks aloud- yet communicates to that part of you which is your inner most Being and […]

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Just Frozen

I’ve been climbing this mountain for so long; I’m exhausted from the effort.   Having forgotten why I started; My thoughts cloud over from pain and struggle. Continually, I wonder if it is worth the work? I’ve heard said, the view at the top is spectacular.   At this point, I do not care and […]

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The Soul Is A Traveler

The soul is a traveler of many seasons; having lived hundreds of lifetimes it is a fountain of information and knowledge. Most people go through this life without learning to tune into them self and uncover the vastness of their own inner experience. The soul is comprised of pure energy and is able to express […]

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Swatting Gnats- Part-II

The previous piece is not typical of what I write, sometimes events/circumstances jump up, smack you in the face and have to be written about. Yes this world is many things; a kaleidoscope of realities- all waiting to be created by us. For sure, there is Darkness and Light and many are Soldiers of the […]

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Swatting Gnats at Dinner

These last 2 days it has been very hot and extremely difficult to breathe; this heat and combination of air seems unnatural. Something purposeful and sinister is being done to our weather. A few days ago, on public television there was a documentary about the WWII holocaust that was terrifying and disgusting for its cruelty. […]

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Prisons of the Mind

Your mind is a prison. It is also a door that opens to infinite possibilities that this world and the universe offer.   Here, by Design, you have been chained by your thoughts, fears and imagining of things you desire, and what you have been taught you should want. This aspect of the mind with […]

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Darkness vs Light

When you create a world where there is much confusion, unrest and the breaking down of long standing norms, who benefits? When people can no longer pay their bills, feed their babies and family, are beset by mysterious illness, and fight extreme weather conditions who gains? When there are wars, deadly prescriptive drugs, food and […]

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World Migratory Bird Day

Earlier this week I was informed that May is Lupus Awareness Month. Today, I glanced at our refrigerator calendar and read that May 14th is World Migratory Bird Day. I bet you didn’t know that? Personally, I had no clue. I have often wondered who decides this kind of thing? Is there an empowered Committee […]

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Amazon Book Review: “Songs Against The Darkness,” By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Virag, Reviewer 5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating and suggestive book Reviewed in Canada on March 15, 2022 Verified Purchase Dr. Stewart Bitkoff is a self-described spiritual traveler and in his many books, articles and poetry brings back reports of his journeys. His works appear in many formats. Some are fictional narratives, others detailed essays, […]

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Hide & Seek

Try as we may, we cannot hide from misfortune. Many times, I did my best but fate always found me.   In a Game of Hide and Seek, Life invariably wins. -SB

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