Seems like it is going to be one of those days. The pain woke me up and I cannot escape it. I am tired of fighting and today, I will just give in. Yes. The pains always wins; it is not even a fair fight. Soon I will take some of the chemicals the doctors […]
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1/13/19 My gift to you are these words which, from time to time, appear on this page. Often they originate on a distant shore, where Celestial Light is a morning sun, and a gentle breeze ushers their energy softly through me. The Author is that Radiance which has Created an Ocean of Wisdom that has […]
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Closer to Reality
“If you work hard enough, you can be anything you want.” Really. Anything I want. I just have to laugh. Unfortunately this is a myth prevalent in our society today. Sort of like Santa Claus. Sounds good- but not exactly true. Often this slogan is used as a mean’s of motivating young and other’s trying […]