Grandmother’s Blessing

by stewart

The other day I was reaching for a way to express, in part, some of my feelings about what is currently going on all around us- the tremendous turmoil from so many directions.  From my focusing inward this appeared; I guess one way to summarize this piece is that the old ways are making way for the new. Or perhaps, you will find other meanings here as well?

Grandmother’s Blessing

Across the land, it was a time of great strife and all the poisons were coming out of the earth.  Also, it was a time for joy as another young soul had entered this world.

For the first time, the old one held her granddaughter, and as she gazed into sparkling blue eyes and beheld her loving smile, the matriarch softly spoke.

“Little one, go joyously into this world for it is filled with wonder:  here there is much to love, experience and enjoy.  Also there is great pain, suffering and sadness.

As you reach to love another and help them grow, you will experience who you truly are.  Do not let the dark night over shadow your joy.  After the darkness, embrace the morning sunlight;  as I place my lips gently upon your forehead know you a child of the universe and, in our love, we are forever joined.”


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