Choice Within a Design

by stewart

In many ways, this life is about you. What you choose to do, how you react to those things imposed on you by circumstance, or how you choose to give-up something in the way of love. Even when the traveler learns to submit to the Higher; the traveler chooses to turn toward that which is Emerging: in this Surrender, it is a matter of personal choice. Something we know we have to do.

Yes, within the Design of our lives, there is much room for choice and individuality; when barriers or lines appear, how we react is mainly up to us.

And how it is in this world so it will be in the next.


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Patti Kuchinsky February 20, 2016 at 4:07 am

I so enjoy your writings and at age 66 am ready to accept them. You affirm my ideas and feelings about my life. I have had a lengthy, long and traumatizing journey but it has brought me to a space of acceptance of all things, including myself. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


stewart February 20, 2016 at 3:21 pm

Good hearing from you. Happy you enjoy this material and it is of use.


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