Why Does God Allow Suffering?

by stewart

Q:        Why does God allow so much suffering and destruction in the world?  Why are   tyrants and psychopaths free to destroy?

Man/woman was created with free will and the earth phase is a place for learning.  Man creates much of the disharmony, fear and pain in the world.  Similarly man can create happiness, beauty, and for the most part, elimination of fear.  That is the potential and humanity is evolving to a higher condition.  That is the Plan and its completion is far in the future.  Yet each soul can reach this potential, individually and in this lifetime.

You wonder why evil men and tyrants exist. At present they are part of the earth phase and individually choose their path.  Similarly others have the capacity to resist, stop them and create a better world.  In these actions, there is much learning and opportunity for souls to grow and advance.

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When faced with the sunset

It is easy to forget the morning.


Yet both exist

And follow each other.

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The Heart Answers

For the spiritual traveler, life is filled with many experiences that cannot be answered by the everyday consciousness- with a simple answer. Our mind balks at the senselessness of many life events; and it is only time, healing and the higher awareness of the heart; that eases the hurt and offers some level of healing.

Daily the mind reels at the destruction that seems to be intensifying around us and it is only time and distance that provide some sort of answer.  Why does life have to be this way? Why do so many innocents have to die? That is something that only your heart’s inner wisdom and God’s Mercy can answer. It is an answer that must be experienced, emotionally and spiritually.

Know that the answer is found in Love; as the poet Attar states: The whole world is a marketplace for Love. This includes the good, bad and seemingly senseless destruction all about us.

Without the friction and pain of daily life- who would turn toward something Higher and embrace the potential of another form of existence.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Alaysia March 27, 2013 at 2:21 pm

I’ve never been afraid for my life, but in todays world, right now, I feel a tiny ripple of fear.


stewart March 27, 2013 at 2:38 pm

Part of the reason is that we see so much negativity on television, newspaper, and local news. Yes, its a mess . . . but many people trying to correct the imbalance as well.


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