Poems- Distant Hearts & Dark Cave

by stewart

Distant Hearts


So much of me

Wants to reach out

And participate in the world

And help make things better.


For now, I sit at keyboard

Writing poems, fables and articles;

Trying to touch distant hearts.


One day, this world

Will all make sense to me, again?

For now, there is just

The Longing;

And fortunately

From time to time

You Fill my Cup.





Dark Cave


How long is my sentence?

Jailed in this world

Of my own creation.


Afraid to break free;

I am tormented

By thoughts and desires.

And these rub against me

Like thorns from a tree.


You say- leave these behind.

Move on. You are what

Stands in your way!


Moment by moment, repetitious living

In the dark cave of my mind-


Help me, O Lord

Journey back into the Light;

Leaving myself behind, again.




{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Alaysia January 8, 2013 at 5:03 pm

You touch distant hearts everyday Stewart. And isn’t that part of your journey?


stewart January 8, 2013 at 5:07 pm

While that may be true, it still doesn’t quiet the burning, restlessness and give me Peace. That only comes through another Door and is very fleeting. Thanks for compliment.


Rev/MRS Judith LaBonte January 9, 2013 at 12:11 am

i really relate to and identify with Dark Cave.

it is odd, even in my nice little apartment, i so often find myself thinking or praying “i want to go home”. i’ve been doing that since i was maybe 4 years old at the most – so for more than 50 years.


stewart January 9, 2013 at 4:56 pm

Hi Judith: Good to hear from you; one of my favorite themes is also “Going Home.” See poem below.

Going Home
By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

“If you wish to know how something ends
Look at its beginning.”

The acorn goes deep into the earth
And as the seasons pass,
Grows into a mighty oak.
Spreading its limbs for many years;
Giving shade and nourishment to the countryside.
One day, only to decay and return back to the ground.

O spiritual traveler, when you close your eyes
For the last time, where will you go?

The twin sparks of energy
That joined and exploded
Inside your mother’s womb,
Carry you through your days.
Then one day this energy too
Must journey forward to someplace else.

Where will this energy take you?

Remember, it was Love
That brought you here,
And it is Love that will carry you
From world to world.

One day, to return Home.


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