Journey To The Sun

by stewart

How foolish I have been.

Like a moth that tried to fly

To close to the candle’s flame, got singed

And returned, wanting to share with others

This life changing event:

Being united, embracing his Love.

I too have been altered

By the Light of another Flame.


Now, wandering on this street corner,

Fumbling to tell my story to anyone who will listen.

Worst than laughter, I am ignored

And left alone, to silently remember;

My brief Journey to the Sun.


Perhaps, I will stand quietly

Reliving that glorious hour

When, for an instant, I touched Infinity.

Yet the pain and distance

Of not going further

Still tears away at my heart,

Not letting me rest.


Alone- left to limp along,

Living in yesterday’s rapture and pain;

Continually calling out to my Beloved:

When will you touch my heart, again?


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Judith LaBonte August 15, 2012 at 11:24 pm

how true!

It remains me of the song by Leonard Cohen, which can be found on YouTube: If it be Your will!

it says: if it be Your will, that i speak no more, that my voice be stilled, as it was before. i will speak no more, i shall abide until
i am spoken for, if it be Your will.

if it be Your will, that a voice be true, from this broken hill, i will sing to You. i will sing to You, all Your praises they will ring. If it be Your will, to let me sing.

and it goes on from there – it is a very beautiful song, one the late Author/Singer says is a kind of a prayer that came to Him.

if anyone hasn’t heard it, they should listen.

Sorry i’ve not been around – not been feeling well of late.

j/L “Granny” Matrika / Rolling Buffalo Woman


stewart August 16, 2012 at 12:29 pm

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope that changes quickly and you feel better. SB


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