Excitement Effect

by stewart

Why do news reports accentuate spectacular tragedies and often ignore the less dramatic?

You see, there is something in us which dates far into our past.  When humans were hunters, we had to be keenly aware of the unusual in the environment, in order to survive.  If a dangerous animal approached, our senses had to pick it up instantly.  So, in a manner of speaking, our biological history draws us to the unusual or dramatic.  We are easily excited so we can survive.

It is important for people to understand this about themselves and others, so they are not controlled by this instinctual need.  This is of particular importance in the area of higher studies.  Many people are drawn to this teaching or that one, because they find stimulation or excitement in it. The question they should ask is – does this teaching work and will I benefit from it?


This piece appears in the book by Stewart Bitkoff, “A Commuter’s Guide to Enlightenment,” Llewelyn, 2008; which is available on Amazon and from Publisher.

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Judith LaBonte December 10, 2012 at 11:42 pm

in the book Adult Children of Alcoholics – by the organization of the same name – it lists addiction to excitement as a sign of a person being the adult child/grandchild, etc of Alcoholics and other severely dysfunctional families.

Originally the word was chaos or confusions, but people didn’t think of it that way – they related to the word excitement more. j/L


stewart December 11, 2012 at 11:00 am

The NEWS and many of the electronic gadget manufacturers want to make us all “excitement junkies.” I have to watch myself with sports on TV as well. Don’t feel good until I get my sports fix. SB


Alaysia December 11, 2012 at 6:13 pm

I don’t like to admit it, but I’m with you on this one, I’ve got NFL apps on all my gadgets!


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