Belief & Action

by stewart

Do you really believe every snowflake is different or the world is populated with 7 billion people?

If so, consider why you believe these statements to be true. You probably never examined 100 different flakes or met 5000 different people. On these issues, you are willing to accept what someone has told you.

Next, consider why some of these same people do not believe there is a God/Light or that human greed is the cause of much of the world’s problems.  Surely someone has told them there is a Universal Energy which governs the universe and a balance between personal and community need must be maintained.

I wonder why some people choose to believe some things and not others?  It is it a matter of who is doing the telling or who is doing the believing? Or perhaps both?

Keep in mind, most often, our collective beliefs serve as basis for our collective actions.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Alaysia January 2, 2013 at 8:47 pm

Ponder it all and act on what truly touches your heart.


melody jean January 3, 2013 at 3:08 pm

i think people often tend to entertain ideas less if they don’t understand it or there is no “proof”. perhaps it’s easier to “believe” that there are 7 billon people on the planet than an elusive thing called God.


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