-The Foxes have been granted another contract to guard the Hen House and promise to lower the rising price of eggs.

-The Wolves announce the creation of an investigative team to look into why sheep are disappearing. It is rumored, lambs are depressed and wandering off into the night.

-The people of the village continue to struggle as the price of food rises.

-Farmer Gray promises, he will get to the bottom of spiraling egg and lamb prices, and looking into the matter, personally.

-The masters in their castle announce another boom year of barn yard profits.

* *

Meanwhile Across the Globe

-In multiple continents, the Shadow Lords gather, laugh, feast and celebrate as their evil Design grows.

-And Light workers, across the world, reflect the Light to balance the growing darkness.



A Song to Sing

In a time, when many strive to cast the world into darkness it is essential to Remember that each is a beacon of light to illume the night. Enjoy these 2 pieces. * * A Song to Sing Each of us is born with a song in our heart; a unique expression of the Divine […]

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Electrical Outages

We are in the middle of a war between Darkness and Light. Is it no wonder that so many in this country are now without power and Light; and countless others worry each time a strong wind blows their power will go out. It is estimated that 4 million in Florida alone were effected by […]

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Science & Religion

The outcome of Sufi mystery teaching and human development is the completed person. In other traditions, these spiritually developed individuals are called Buddha, Sadhu, enlightened one, servant of God, saint, mystic, medicine man, Rishi or heretic. Yet what each of these people has in common is they have achieved a level of spiritual development, which […]

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What Is Going On In This World?

Thoughts, questions and answers keep entering my head; concerning the violence and destruction that is going on all around us; that it is both purposeful and directed. Q: Why would some people want to harm and destroy a country or a world? So they can keep their ‘game’ going and thrive. Q: What is their […]

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Your Own Way

Q: In this time of your gray hair, what advice would you offer the spiritual traveler? A: After all the years, full of successes, trials and failures- it would be: Follow your own way. Make your own way through this world, as best you can, and seek that part of yourself that knows why you […]

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Break Free

Imprisoned by the weight of material things, the soul cries: Break free of the chains that bind. They have been placed on you by the expectations and demands of your culture. What has happened is an exaggerated concern for the physical so these concerns might imprison you with fears and supposed needs. Additionally, forces have […]

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Human Development: How To Create Better People?

One of the things which has been on my mind, and is a recurring theme, is how to improve self and the world around us. It doesn’t take an advanced degree to figure out that things are a real mess and many improvements need to be made. It is time to offer solutions- the first […]

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Glorious Sunrise

Since the very beginning this Battle has been going on. Darkness and Light who will win?   Can’t you see the destruction: the loss of personal will, energy and freedoms; the hungry, the homeless, the endless wars with ever sophisticated weapons; the drugs and social problems without end. Yes. The ruins are all around us: […]

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A Star for the Dark Night

It has been awhile since I’ve been to the top of the mountain and danced with stars. Again the stars beckon and remind me of my Eternal Self. The Self that has traveled to so many places and experienced so many things. It is the Self that will take me onward up into the night […]

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Your Own Answer

As the sun falls below the horizon and the flowers close to the evening cold my heart turns to That which brought us here.   Here there is much beauty and much struggle: that is the nature of this experience. Darkness and Light- why all the ups and downs? To this, you must find your […]

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