Your Own Way

by stewart

Q: In this time of your gray hair, what advice would you offer the spiritual traveler?

A: After all the years, full of successes, trials and failures- it would be: Follow your own way. Make your own way through this world, as best you can, and seek that part of yourself that knows why you came here and who you are.

In our Western culture, there are many demands and influences, that in the main, are designed to take you away from your real, lasting self. There are many roads you can walk and they are ever changing; as you mature, it is only your inner compass, ultimately, that can guide you. Until that part of you is awakened and helps you make decisions, trust that there is something Higher that will assist.

You see, in this endeavor, there is an unseen factor which Guides and leads us forward. We have been given enough for the journey, and as situations arise help is sent. Often it is hidden and does not seem timely; because we are given latitude to resolve situations our-self.

Through out this journey, there will be many opportunities to rise Higher and embrace our lasting self.

Please do not look to me as a role model- look to yourself and your own Higher Nature. You are the Beacon for the Dark night.



Break Free

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A Star for the Dark Night

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Your Own Answer

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In My Time

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Short Subjects (3)

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