Superhighway to God/Light

by stewart

Each traveler must find their own wisdom, and will never be totally satisfied with the formulations of another. While a traveler can benefit greatly from a wise man/woman, ultimately each traveler must make their own way.

What a wise man/woman does is offer training, and is an exemplar, on how to unlock inner capacity to know. That is why there are so many books out there today offering personal visions of wisdom; many travelers have found their own inner capacity and wish to share it. Yet what works for one will not work for another; hence the growing realization that self-help books usually fall short.

Ultimately, it is the grace of a Path and the traveler’s own inner capacity that leads the traveler Home. Waiting inside each is the Super Highway to God/Light; and precious are those who help a traveler unlock their own inner wisdom. -SB

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